Surgical services at Methodist Hospital
When you need surgery, you want to know you're receiving the best care possible. We offer the latest in surgical technology and methods to treat numerous conditions.
Our board-certified surgeons in San Antonio specialize in many different disciplines, including heart transplants and urologic surgery. We work towards helping you feel supported before, during and after your procedure.
Expert advice, available 24/7
Free health-related information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment. For more information about our surgical services, please call us.
Free health-related information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment. For more information about our surgical services, please call us.
Types of surgery we offer
At Methodist Hospital, our surgeons specialize in many different disciplines, including:
- Cardiovascular surgery
- Colorectal surgery
- Ear, nose and throat/maxillofacial surgery
- General surgery
- Gynecologic surgery
- Heart transplant surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedic surgery
- Orthopedic oncology surgery
- Ostomy surgery
- Pediatric cardiovascular surgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Urologic surgery
- Vascular surgery
Ostomy treatments and services
Our team is proud to offer ostomy surgery, as well as ongoing follow up support in both inpatient and outpatient settings. We offer the following procedures:
- Colostomy
- Ileostomy
- Urostomy
Depending on your needs, your physician will recommend the procedure that is best for you.
Additional ostomy support services we offer
- Preoperative services including stoma site selection and general education.
- Inpatient services that also include postoperative education with hands-on demonstrations that will help you to identify properly fitting products and will also help connect you to resources and community support.
- Outpatient clinics that will troubleshoot leakage and skin breakdown issues, identify properly fitting products, assess for changes in weight, abdominal contours or mobility issues and assist with difficulty obtaining ostomy supplies. In addition to our outpatient clinic at Methodist Hospital, we have an additional outpatient clinic location at Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital.
About our ostomy team
Our Wound, Ostomy, Continence (WOC) nurses are specially trained to help guide you in adjusting to life with your ostomy and adapting to your new normal. Your WOC nurse is an important part of your ostomy journey and will be your teammate along with your family and friends. The WOC team provides step by step teaching and will help you identify the best fitting pouching system for you. We provide teaching and ostomy services from before your surgery, through your hospital stay and after discharge, including:
- Careful planning and marking your stoma position so you can see the stoma and be able to take care of it yourself
- Pre-op teaching to prepare you for your upcoming surgery
- Multiple teaching sessions with hands on demonstrations
- Finding the right ostomy products
- Ostomy supply resources
- Community resources
- Outpatient ostomy clinic available for complications
When to call your ostomy nurse
Our WOC nurses are here for you if you experience any issues with your ostomy. Reach out to our nurses if you experience:
- A bulge in the skin around your stoma
- A stoma that appears to be getting longer
- Blood in your stool
- Diarrhea with pain and or vomiting
- Excessive bleeding from your stoma
- Persistent diarrhea
- Recurrent leaks under your pouching system or skin barrier
- Skin irritation
How to make an appointment at our outpatient ostomy clinic
If you need to make an appointment at our ostomy clinic, your primary care physician or surgeon can send a referral to either of our locations (preferably where your surgery was performed). We will call you to find a time that is convenient for you.
Ostomy support
If you need additional information around discharge support programs, community resources and support groups or need other online resources, you can ask your WOC Nurse or visit
How to find our surgery unit
Our surgery unit is located in the Central Tower on Sublevel 2. Our cardiovascular operating room is located on the fifth floor. For easy access, it is recommended for patients and visitors to park in Garage 1.