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kids teaching kids® - Methodist Children's Hospital

Our commitment to improving the health of our communities includes helping children learn how to eat healthier meals.

In the last 30 years, childhood obesity has more than which is why Methodist Children's Hospital has teamed up with kids teaching kids® program — a way to provide parents and students throughout San Antonio the tools and skills to transform their eating habits.

The recipe for a perfect partnership

Methodist Children's Hospital and the Texas Restaurant Foundation have teamed up with Texas ProStart® culinary programs in high schools across the city, giving high school students the opportunity to work with registered dietitians to teach them basic nutrition. Students will learn food literacy, and how to calculate nutrition facts for recipes — and then apply this knowledge to make fun, nutritious recipes.

These creations will then be compiled into a recipe book, designed by high school graphic design and photography students. Kids teaching kids will offer the digital cookbook — designed for kids, by kids, to elementary school students in San Antonio each year.

Learn more about kids teaching kids®.