Leading-edge surgical services in San Antonio
If surgery is part of your treatment plan, our team combines advanced techniques with compassionate care.
Our specialists at Methodist Hospital Specialty and Transplant perform a full range of procedures, including kidney transplants and weight loss surgery. After your operation, our 26-bed medical unit offers personalized nursing care to facilitate your recovery.
Related specialties
Learn more about our related specialties.
To learn more about the full scope of surgical procedures we offer, please call (210) 575-8110.
Advanced surgical care close to home
Our highly skilled surgeons perform a full range of surgical procedures, including:
- Orthopedic surgery
- Plastic surgery
- Transplant surgery
- General surgery
- Bariatric surgery
- Urological surgery
- Ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery
- Tumor removal surgery
- Retina surgery
We have three dedicated endoscopic/laparoscopic operating suites featuring equipment that allows surgeons to perform traditional surgeries with smaller incisions. This type of surgery offers a number of benefits, including a shorter hospital stay, faster recovery and lowered risk of infection.
Ostomy services
Our hospital offers not only ostomy surgery, but also support pre- and post- procedure. Some of the support services we offer include:
- Preoperative services: stoma site selection and preoperative education – available at all our hospitals.
- Inpatient services: postoperative education with hands-on demonstration, identifying properly fitting products, connecting with resources and community support – available at all our hospitals.
- Outpatient clinic: Troubleshooting leakage and skin breakdown issues, identifying properly fitting products, assessing for changes in weight, abdominal contours or mobility issues and assisting with difficulty obtaining ostomy supplies. We have an additional clinic located at Methodist Hospital.
As part of our inpatient services, we also offer ostomy surgeries, including:
- Colostomy
- Ileostomy
- Urostomy
Outpatient ostomy clinic
After your procedure, our Wound, Ostomy and Continence (WOC) nurses will offer follow up care and help you adjust to life with your ostomy at our outpatient clinic.
Our ostomy team
The WOC team will offer ostomy services including teaching and bag fitting from before your surgery, through your hospital stay and after discharge. Some of the services provided include:
- Careful planning and marking your stoma position so you can see the stoma and be able to take care of it yourself
- Pre-op teaching to prepare you for your upcoming surgery
- Multiple teaching sessions with hands on demonstrations
- Finding the right ostomy products
- Ostomy supply resources
- Community resources
- Outpatient ostomy clinic available for complications
When to call your ostomy nurse
If you experience any of the following issues, you should contact your ostomy nurse.
- A bulge in the skin around your stoma
- A stoma that appears to be getting longer
- Blood in your stool
- Diarrhea with pain and or vomiting
- Excessive bleeding from your stoma
- Persistent diarrhea
- Recurrent leaks under your pouching system or skin barrier
- Skin irritation
How to make an appointment at our outpatient clinic
If you need to make an appointment at our ostomy clinic, your primary care physician or surgeon can send a referral to either of our locations (preferably where your surgery was performed). We will call you to find a time that is convenient for you.
Ostomy support
If you need additional information around discharge support programs, community resources and support groups or need other online resources, you can ask your WOC Nurse or visit
Preparing for your surgery
It's important to follow any specific instructions your doctor gives to you before your procedure. You will receive instructions on how to prepare during or after your pre-admission testing.
Visitor information
Our surgery department is located on the first floor of the hospital. We provide multiple waiting rooms for family and friends to wait during their loved one's surgery. In addition, we have an electronic board in each waiting room to give updates throughout the patient's surgery.