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How to Boost Your Immune System

Texas is experiencing a spike in flu activity this season — take care of yourself by building your immune system to stay strong, and help fight off germs and sickness.

According to Harvard Medical School there are key antioxidant vitamins that are essential to building your immune system:

Vitamin C— Vitamin C can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables like oranges and kale. You can also find Vitamin C tablets and capsules at your local grocery store in the vitamin aisle.

Vitamin E —You can take advantage of all the great benefits Vitamin E has to offer by eating plant-based foods like spinach, avocados and almonds. Not only does it help build your immune system, but it can also help prevent heart disease, treat diabetes, and balance hormones and cholesterol.

Vitamin B6 — According to the MayoClinic , “Vitamin B-6 is important for normal brain development, and for keeping the nervous system and immune system healthy.” Eating vitamin-rich foods like salmon, tuna, chicken and bananas can give you a natural source of this vitamin.

Zinc — Another essential vitamin to incorporate in your daily diet is zinc. Zinc is vital to a healthy immune system. Zinc helps control and regulate the immune system responses, and also helps fight infected cancerous cells. Suffer from a cold, have a cut, or have diarrhea? Try taking zinc! Surprisingly, zinc is known to help cure the common cold, heal wounds and cure an upset stomach. Foods high in this vitamin are beef, chicken, dark chocolate, and oysters.

For other quick tips on how to boost you immune system, talk with your healthcare provider to discuss a nutritional plan that best suits your health needs.