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Specialty and Transplant Leads the Nation in Living Donor Kidney Transplants for 2020

San Antonio, TX — During an extremely challenging year in healthcare, Methodist Hospital Specialty and Transplant's kidney transplant program stayed focused on providing life-saving transplants to patients suffering from kidney disease. The United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) released a new report showing the hospital led the nation in living donor kidney transplants in 2020 with 208 surgeries, which is 30 percent more than the next center on the list.

"Our priority and focus have always been the safety and exceptional patient experience for our donors and recipients, and we are grateful to again lead the nation in living donor kidney transplants," said Adam Bingaman, MD, Medical Director of the Transplant Program at Methodist Hospital Specialty and Transplant. "Our volume is a reflection of the outstanding, lifesaving care that our team provides to this complex group of patients, especially during this challenging time."

Methodist Hospital Specialty and Transplant results:

  • Most living donor kidney transplants in the nation (208)
  • 4th overall in number of adult kidney transplants in the nation; #1 in Texas (359)
  • 2nd most kidney transplants for Hispanic patients in the nation (220)
  • 2nd most deceased donor kidney transplants in Texas (151)

While managing the multiple surges of COVID-19 positive patients in South Texas, Methodist Hospital Specialty and Transplant was able to continue performing transplant surgeries during all of 2020 because of strategic planning through the Methodist Healthcare Patient Placement Center and by cohorting patients at its other San Antonio hospitals. That helped protect the transplant patients who are already at a higher risk of getting sick.

"It's really incredible to see the amount of planning and coordination that happens in our network of hospitals in San Antonio," said Jeff Wilson, CEO of Methodist Hospital Specialty and Transplant. "Providing exceptional care to each and every patient is our mission and our passion."

See a complete list of transplant program results in the UNOS database.

Learn more about Methodist Hospital Specialty and Transplant nationally recognized transplant program.