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Methodist Healthcare

For emergency medical services (EMS) providers

Emergency medical services

Our emergency medical services (EMS) are essential to the care we provide to our patients and our community. They are the first to respond to a serious illness, injury or accident and are specially trained to defend and preserve human life. EMS units are skilled at assessing and stabilizing patients to transport them to one of our facilities to receive further care.

Our EMS academy offers educational courses and training in the various roles vital to our EMS units. Learn more about the courses our EMS academy provides.

Emergency medical responder (EMR)

EMRs provide emergency lifesaving interventions and care to critical patients activating the emergency medical services system. EMRs can provide critical lifesaving interventions until a higher level of care EMS personnel arrives on scene to transport the patient. Under medical direction, EMRs can provide basic interventions with minimal equipment. EMRs play an important role as first responders in the EMS system.

Total Didactic Hours: 68M

Emergency medical technician (EMT)

EMTs have a basic foundational knowledge and skills to treat and transport patients in non-emergent to emergent and critical life-threatening emergencies. Under medical direction, EMTs function as a crucial link in the pre-hospital healthcare system. EMTs’ skills and interventions are typically provided with equipment found on an ambulance.

140 Didactic hours, 24 Clinical hours, 48 Field hours. Total Hours 212.

Advanced emergency medical technician (AEMT)

AEMTs primarily provide basic and limited advanced emergency care and transportation of critical patients within the EMS system. These qualified individuals can provide all standard interventions and emergency care using advanced skills and interventions under medical direction. These pre-hospital professionals are experienced providers within the EMS system and provide a high quality of care for the sick and injured during transport.

160 Didactic hours, 72 Clinical hours, 120 Field hours. Total Hours 352.

Nationally registered paramedic

Paramedics function as the highest credentialed emergency care provider in the pre-hospital healthcare system. These pre-hospital providers have extensive knowledge of the EMS system in patient care and transportation. Paramedics perform advanced lifesaving procedures and pharmaceutical administration under medical direction. The paramedic is an essential allied health professional in the EMS and healthcare system.

Total 1000 hours. This program is still in development.