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TX Medical Examiners CME requirements

Texas State Board of Medical Examiners CME requirements

The Texas State Board of Medical Examiners (TSBME) required physicians to complete 24 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) during the 12 months preceding annual registration of their medical license.

This requirement may be fulfilled through participation in both formal and informal CME activities.

Formal activities:

At least 12 hours must be completed through participation in formal CME hours, but all 24 may be completed in this category. Courses which are formally designated for credit are:

  • Category 1 of the Physician's Recognition Award of the American Medical Association
  • Prescribed credit of the American Academy of Family Physicians
  • Category 1A credit of the American Osteopathic Association.

Brochures or promotional materials for CME activities and self instructional courses will carry a specific statement advising physicians if the activity has been approved for any of the above types of credit.

Informal activities:

Physicians may complete up to 12 hours (of the required 24 hours) by participating in informal CME activities. The following may be reported as informal hours:

  • Conferences, seminars, grand rounds, etc. not designated for formal credit
  • Self instructional materials or courses,
  • reading clinically relevant medical journals,
  • use of literature search databases in connection with the provision of patient care,
  • participation in patient care review activities,
  • research/preparation time for medical presentations,
  • up to ten hours may be claimed for:
    • publication of a medical or medically related article;
    • for each chapter of a medical or medically related book or other medical education material;
    • preparation of an exhibit displayed at a scientific medical meeting or other CME activity.

Physicians will be required by the TSBME to have obtained one of the 12 formal hours of CME required for licensure in the area of ethics and/or professional responsibility.