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Car safety in the summer

Car safety goes beyond wearing your seatbelt while driving or riding in a car, especially in the summer. You might find yourself taking more trips, running more errands, and driving around with kids more often while they are out of school. Before you buckle yourself and loved ones up, consider these five tips on car safety in the summer:

  1. Always check your backseat.

    This goes for getting in and out of the car. While it’s important to make sure children are buckled safely and correctly before driving, it’s vital to check that there are no children or pets in your backseat when you get out of the car. Never leave children and pets in cars unattended whether your AC is on or not, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Studies have shown car temperatures can reach 99 degrees in just five minutes, and triple digits after more than ten minutes with the AC off.

  2. Examine your AC.

    Make sure your AC is working properly. While temperatures reach triple digits this summer, the inside your car can exceed outside temperatures just after a few minutes. If you notice it isn’t cooling like normal, or feels weaker, take your car in immediately to be proactive about the solution.

  3. Keep your car out of the sun.

    If possible, park your car in shaded areas, or utilize shades and window coverings to keep your car as cool as possible when parked. This can help prevent burns on your skin from leather seats, or seatbelt buckles while buckling yourself and children in.

  4. Make sure your car is inspected.

    Especially before embarking on a road trip, it is vital to make sure your car is inspected. Having working lights, breaks, tires and other vital parts can help prevent accidents or breakdowns that leave your stranded on the side of the road in the heat. You never know what the road conditions will be like if you need to pull over after an accident or a breakdown, you may find yourself on the side of a busy road with a narrow shoulder lane or none at all. No one plans for an emergency. Find your neighborhood Methodist ER so you know where to go in case a medical emergency occurs.

  5. Keep an emergency kit on-hand.

    You never know what can occur on the road. Equipping your car with an emergency kit is essential. Make sure your emergency kit includes things like plenty of water, some non-perishable snacks, a flashlight with extra batteries, road flares or emergency reflectors, a first aid kit, a portable phone charger, and any other essential tools. If you need to utilize any of these items, be sure to restock as soon as possible before your next trip.

If you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.

If your child is having a non-life-threatening emergency and you do not need to call 911, you can use our Call-A-Nurse hotline for medical advice. Nurses representing Methodist Healthcare are standing by to personally assist you.

If you have questions about your baby’s development, you can always find more resources to help at Methodist Children’s Hospital. To connect with other moms in San Antonio, ask questions and share advice, visit The Baby Bump Club on Facebook