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Heart-healthy desserts: New Year's resolution approved

Sweeten up dessert and stay on track with your heart healthy resolution. There are plenty of ways to make dessert a more nutritious part of your meal, chocolate included.

  1. Practice moderation: Moderation is key. Enjoy what you love, but pay attention to serving sizes. Practice self-control when the chocolate cake is triple-layered or the cookie includes icing and sprinkles. If you're counting calories, make sure you can fit essential nutrient-rich meals in along with the dessert. Try only eating these kinds of sweets a couple times a week.
  2. Try a new way to sweeten baked goods: Cocoa nibs add a bittersweet flavor to your baked goods, while providing antioxidants, vitamins, mineral and fiber to your diet. Check out recipes involving this sweet morsel.
  3. Eat more fruit: Fruit is nature's natural sweetener. Grill plums, nectarines or pineapples as a snack. Grilling fruit heightens flavor for a more satisfying eating experience. Also, next time you're at the ice cream shop, top low-fat frozen yogurt with fruit instead of sprinkles. If you're a fruit salad fan, add in pistachios or seeds to your fruit salad to liven up flavors and add some crunch to the mix.

The new year is the perfect time to press pause and set new goals for your spiritual, emotional and physical health. Want more help? Become a HealthMatters member. We’ll provide you with health and wellness tips, recipes, screening guidelines, interviews with doctors and more to keep you on track. Start by taking one of our health risk assessments to help you set your health goals for the new year!

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